MJ Price

‘no life on Mars’ explores the therapeutic and healing qualities of  the natural landscape and photographic process, and how being surrounded by one’s community can better our mental health.

Following the breakdown of a relationship, the images were taken over the following two years in an attempt to rebuild themselves and their community. Through infrared light, Price allows us to perceive our realities in a new light, a metaphor for seeing the unseen.; In doing so, Price brings to light the hidden aspects of personal experiences and emotions, encouraging viewers to look beyond the surface of their realities.

Told over three acts, the first employs the tilting and shifting perspectives of  large-format photography and whose fading Calotype prints distort our perception of reality, emphasising the subjective nature of mental health. In the second act, through a large-scale wall installation, Price uses the aesthetics of romanticism, encouraging others to see reality differently, foregroundings the subjective experience of personal relationships, the primacy of the individual, and the importance of healing.

Where mental health is increasingly recognised yet still stigmatised, ‘no life on Mars’ offers a poignant exploration of personal healing. Price’s work invites viewers to reconsider their understanding of mental health and the importance of community and nature in the healing process. The project challenges viewers to acknowledge the hidden aspects of their lives and emotions, to foster a deeper sense of empathy and self awareness. Through this, we learn the value of introspection and the potential for art to facilitate personal growth and societal change.


 Instagram : @mossy_mj
Mobile : UK +44 7469216655