Gabriel Schmidtt

Gabriel, who is based in Bristol, is a dedicated landscape photographer. His dedication to the environment is limitless - with an emphasis on sustainability as a vegan activist and keen cyclist. Gabriel is a digital lens based artist and his favourite place that he has explored was in the Austrian State of Tyrol, where he first saw the Alps, and endlessly was inspired by their beauty.

Through these photos Schmidtt explored what home means to me. Schmidtt has decided to stay inside the area of Bristol to explore home. He has lived here since December 2012 and felt that Bristol is currently the best place for him to explore the idea of home, because he has  spent most of my life in Bristol. Schmidtt decided to revisit key areas that have a personal meaning to his life in Bristol so far. He also decided to further explore his life here by taking long exposure photographs that show time and movement because he has been here for a long time now and has moved around a lot in Bristol.

 Instagram : @gabrielschmitt134
Mobile : UK +44 7562391897